2024 Deadlines & Things to Know
January 22, 2024
At HLZAE, we’re here to help you navigate the different Local Laws set in place by the Department of Buildings (DOB).
As we kick off the new year, we wanted to point out key deadlines and updates that might affect your building. Remember, we’re always here to assist with any questions and help you prepare your building for the applicable deadlines below.

FISP Deadlines & Updates
REMINDER: Cycle 9 Window C deadline is February 21, 2024 for block numbers 1, 2, and 3. Your FISP report will need to be filed by this date to avoid late filing fees of $1,000/ month. If you have not filed your FISP report yet, you are still required to submit a report even if it is going to be late. HLZAE can help to perform the necessary inspection, but cannot guarantee completion prior to the deadline.
The DOB has recently implemented an update to the requirements for the owner registered email address. It is now required that the address for the owner matches the records in the NYC Department of Finance records, and if not available, match the HPD profile on the website. This means that property/compliance managers cannot be the “owner”, but they can sign as the owner representative. Information must be updated in the e-filing account to match the current Business Name and Address. Click here to learn how to update your account.

Parking Structures Inspections
With Local Law 126 in place, owners are required to have their parking structure inspected by a Qualified Parking Structure Inspector (QPSI) and maintained. The next inspection window is now open and includes Manhattan Community Districts 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & Brooklyn Community Districts. These districts are required to have a report filed by December 31, 2025. Learn more here.

Parapet Inspections
This new regulation requires building owners to have their parapets annually inspected to identify any hazardous conditions by a competent inspector. The reviewer may be but not limited to a bricklayer, building superintendent, handyman, mason or a person in a similar construction-related trade, architect, engineer or any other individual capable of identifying hazards on the parapet. The parapet observation requirement applies to all buildings fronting (running parallel or near parallel) the public right-of-way, regardless of height, except for detached 1- or 2-family homes. This report does not require filing, but will need to remain on hand if audited by the DOB.
This rule is in effect as of 1/1/2024. The deadline to meet compliance is 12/31/2024. Learn more here.

Energy Effinciency Report
Local Law 87 requires buildings larger than 50,000 square feet, or two or more buildings that together exceed 100,000 square feet and share a tax lot, to submit an Energy Efficiency Report (EER) and Retro commissioning report (RCx) every 10 years. Failure to submit these reports by the due date specified will face a $3000 fine for the first year and $5000 fine in subsequent years should you fail to honor the deadlines.
This year, Owners must submit their EER to the City by December 31, 2024 for tax block number 4.

Local Law 97
Understanding and complying with Local Law 97 doesn’t have to be overwhelming, as HLZAE is equipped to guide you through every stage. The initial step is to accurately report your building’s square footage, which lays the groundwork for a strategic plan to decrease your energy emission score. Our team is prepared to undertake building square footage measurements and subsequent confirmations with the DOB with the goal of confirming a more accurate (reduced) square footage as compared to what is listed with the NYC department of finance so any possible fines may be reduced.
We can also help to identify areas in your building where modifications and upgrades can be implemented. This strategically planned approach will aid in achieving your first emission reduction report due in 2025. The DOB recently released draft rules that help provide more insight into the law. Stay tuned for more info!

HLZAE Can Help
HLZAE can undertake any of the below inspections and advise you on what is best for your building. As your trusted building expert, it is our goal to ensure you are prepared and ready.
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